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Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Corn Patty (perkedel Jagung)


1.      150 grams of wheat flour
2.      2 medium sweet corn
3.      4 eggs
4.      1.5 teaspoon of salt
5.      3 red onion
6.      2 cloves of medium garlic
7.      1⁄4 teaspoon of black pepper
8.      ¼  tablespoon of sugar
9.      Frying oil
10.  3 red chili

Procedure :

1.      First, you blend the chili, garlic, onion together.
2.      Put the sweet corn with flour, and the eggs in a bowl. Give a little water and blended seasoning that you mixed before.
3.      Give the black paper, sugar, and the salt into the corn.
4.      Heat the frying oil in frying pan.
5.      Fry the corn until it become golden.

6.      And you corn patty are ready to be eaten.

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