Heart Chat Bubble

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Assignment 3

    1.     Degrees of Comparison

Comparison is a feature in the morphology or syntax of some languages, where by adjectives and adverbs are inflected or modified to indicate the relative degree of the property defined by the adjective or adverb.  
Degree of comparison is one of English grammar are often used in practice both written and conversational. The material degree of comparison is included in the category adverbal and adjectives for use both these elements to create a degree of comparison sentence.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, Degree of comparison is the grammar made from adjective and adverb to compare something. In other words, the degree of comparison is the adjective  or adverb to declare a comparison. Degree of comparison itself is divided into three, namely positive, comparative and superlative, all three are equally serves as something used to compare.

     1.      Positif Degree
Is used to express the level of the comparison, but there is no change to the adjective or an adverb his, positive degree using the 'US' as the level of comparison.

Example :
a.       You are as small as my sister.
b.       Neni is as smart as Novi
c.       He is as tall as his uncle.
d.      Life is not as difficult as you think.
e.       Your smile is as sweet as mine.

     2.      Comparative Degree
Comparative used to express the comparison, where the adjective (adjective) and adverb (adverb) changes. If the adjective or adverb is composed of one syllable such as smart, big, low then add in the 'er' if more than one syllable like handsome, beautiful, expensive then add in the 'More', then any comparison in the added ' than 'meaning' than.

Examples :
a.       Magazine is more interesting than newspaper.
b.      My house is larger than Neni’s house.
c.       That girl is higher than this girl.
d.      I ran faster than you did.
e.       This box is bigger than that.

     3.      Superlative Degree
Superlative used to express the comparison, where the adjective and adverb changes. If the adjective or adverb is composed of one syllable such as smart, big, low then add in the 'est' if more than one syllable like handsome, beautiful, expensive then add in the 'Most', the superlative is used to compare at least 3 or more and it always begins with the word 'the'.

Examples :
a.       Your heart is the coldest of all.
b.      I run the fastest in my class.
c.       This island is the largest island in this country.
d.      That girl is the most beautiful on in this class.
e.       I will do my best to help you.

    2.     Question Word

In English, Question words is the words that use to ask something like place, people, reason, way and so'on. In Indonesian, question words is a collection of words used to ask the time, place, reason, way and so forth.
Question Word
Contoh Kalimat Question Words
Question word ini digunakan untuk menanyakan benda atau hal (thing).
What do you want from me?
(Apa yang kamu inginkan dari saya?)
What are you doing here?
(Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan disini?)
Where digunakan untuk menanyakan tempat (place).
Where does he live?
(Dimana dia tinggal?)
Question word ini digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu (time)
When does the train from Yogyakarta arrive?
(Kapan kereta dari Yogyakarta tiba?)
Kata ini digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan (reason).
Why do you hate cats?
(Mengapa kamu benci kucing?)
(yang mana)
Question word ini untuk menanyakan orang (person), benda atau hal (thing) yang mana yang dimaksud diantara sejumlah orang, benda, atau hal.
Which one is better?
(Yang mana yang lebih baik?)
(siapa – 
Question word ini digunakan untuk menanyakan orang (person).
Who send me a letter?
(Siapa yang mengirimiku surat?)
Who is that man?
(Siapa pria itu?)
(siapa – 
Whom digunakan untuk menanyakan orang yang menerima aksi, atau dengan kata lain: direct object.
Whom are you going to meet?
(Siapa yang akan kamu temui?)
(siapa – 
Question word ini digunakan untuk orang yang mana yang memiliki sesuatu (possessive).
Whose turn is it?
(Giliran siapa?)
How digunakan untuk menanyakan cara (manner). Question word ini juga dapat dikombinasikan dengan dengan berbagai huruf menjadi: how often (seberapa sering), how far (berapa jauh), how much/many (berapa banyak), how long(berapa lama).
How did you meet your soulmate?
(Bagaimana kamu bertemu belahan jiwamu?)
How often should I change my toothbrush?
(Seberapa sering saya harus mengganti sikat gigi?)
How far is moon from earth?
(Berapa jauh bulan dari bumi?)
How much do we need?
(Berapa banyak yang kita butuhkan?)
How long does it take to get pregnant?
(Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk hamil?)

   3.     Analyze 5W + 1H in English Newspaper

Posted: Thu, May 19 2016 | 07:35 am

Bank indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardjojo said on Wednesday that the country’s foreign debt remained at a safe level, as long term loans dominated obligations.
According to BI data, long term debt reached US $277.9 billion at the end of March,88 perfect of the total foreign debt of $316 billion. The value of long-term loans grew by 7.9 percant year on year (yoy), slower than the annual increase of 9.2 percent booked in te previous quarter.
Show-term foreign debt,meanwhile, fell by 8.4 percent yoy to $38.1 billion. That compares to an annual decrease of 13.7 percent recorded in the fourth quarter of last year.
Agus said private-sector short-term loans form non-affiliated creditors were the most sensitive but made up just 5 perfect of the total loans as of March.
“So,Indonesia’s foreign debt is generally well managed and controlled,” he asserted on the sidelines of the islamic Development Bank’s 41st Annual Meeting in Jakarta.
Total foreign debt grew by 5.7 percent yoy and was equivalent to 36.5 perfect of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), similiar to the 36 perfect of GDP seen in the previous quarter.
BI data also reveal that private sector debt amounted to $164.7 billion,or 52 perfecnt of the total debt value,as of March and was dominated by loans from the finance, manufakturing, mining and electricity, gas and clean water sectors, while government and the cental bank loans amounted to $151.3 billion. Private sector loans fell by 1 perfect yoy  after rising 2.3 perfect yoy in the previous quarter.
“It’s a positive step to see private sector loans decrease” DBS Bank economist Gundy Cahyadi wrote in an email to the Jakarta Post on Wednesday.
BI’spolicy objective in the last two years had beeeeb to put the brakes on loan growth,so that companies were not over leveraged, he said, adding that lower short term foreign debt was also good for the country.
That is because, in the event of capital outflows, the market’s focus will be on whether our foreign exchange reserves can plug the outflows.” He said.
The ratio of short term loans to foreign exchange reserves fell to 35.5 perfect as of March versus 36.7 perfect at the and last year, BI data show. (dan)

Analyze 5W +1H :
    a.       What ? Discussion of debt abroad who are in the Country.
    b.      Who? Bank Indonesia and Governor Agus Martowardjojo
    c.       Where ? The islamic Development Bank’s 41st Annual Meeting in Jakarta.
    d.      When ? Wednesday, May 18 2016
    e.       Why ? Total foreign debt grew by 5.7 percent yoy and was equivalent to 36.5 perfect of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), similiar to the 36 perfect of GDP seen in the previous quarter.
f   f.       How ? BI data also reveal that private sector debt amounted to $164.7 billion,or 52 perfecnt of the total debt value,as of March and was dominated by loans from the finance, manufakturing, mining and electricity, gas and clean water sectors, while government and the cental bank loans amounted to $151.3 billion. Private sector loans fell by 1 perfect yoy  after rising 2.3 perfect yoy in the previous quarter.

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